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Availability and Reservations


  • 2 night minimum stay

  • $95/night for up to 4 people - does not include towels, bedding and pillows

  • $115/night for up to 4 people - includes towels, bedding and pillows

  • Additional people are $20/night

Motel rooms

  • 2 night minimum stay on Friday and Saturday nights

  • $75/night for up to 2 people (max of 2 people)

    • Includes towels, bedding and pillows​

Some holidays may have a minimum night stay.

Pets are an additional $10/night

Please call us at 906-852-3541 if you would like to speak with us to make your reservation, if you any special requests or questions, or if you would like to check in the same day you are making the reservation.


Click here to see all information pertaining to our Rates, Deposits and Cancellations 

Search for Availability and to make Reservations

Our Address

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2920 Old M-28

Trout Creek, MI 49967



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Proud sponsor and supporter of the

local trail systems!

Including Sno Valley Riders, Baraga County Sno Drifters, MI-TRALE and the Peter Wolfe Chapter of the North Country Trail

Peter Wolfe - NCT
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